Sweet fragrance of Bunga Kerak Nasi permeates my backyard now. My plant now has 6 clusters of blooms. This is my first time having so many blooms at one time.
We didn't transfer our Bunga Kerak Nasi from our old place when we moved 2 years ago. I craved to grow Bunga Kerak Nasi, commonly used in making 'bunga rampai' (potpourri) in my hometown, Melaka. Eventually I got us another pot of plant from a nursery in Sg. Buluh.
The plant grows better on the ground than in a pot. I trimmed it often to control it from creeping messily. I am not certain if the regular trimming actually helped to make the plant bloom profusely. But I am very happy looking at those blooms and enjoying the perfume fragrance in my backyard.