During last Sunday's Organic Day event that CETDEM organized, we had the opportunity to visit its organic garden. The garden is located in a corner unit house at No.29, Jalan SS19/22, where CETDEM operates from.
Here's the garden. Inter-cropping, where various plants are planted together in the same vegetable bed, is practised here due to limitation of space. Organic farming method is used here. Produces from this farm is sold to generate fund for the centre.



Spinach and radish


Wild ginseng

The beautiful bloom of wild ginseng



Ginger flower

Sweet Leaf Bush (Sayur Manis)

Miniature cucumber (Timun Susu)

CETDEM also organizes activities such as educational talk, tour to farms (there will be a trip to Cameron Highlands ~ for more info please go to its website) and volunteers are required to help at its organic garden. For those who are keen, kindly contact CETDEM at 0f@cetdem.org.my or tel: 03-7875 7767.
Oh wow! They really walk their talk... cool farm and plants!! I hope you learnt much JC.
Very nice... feel like walking through my own little vegetable garden... most plants are grown in mine.
very deliciously beautiful.
I love the organic farm!! By the way, is the sweet leaf bush stevia?
Hi Blur Ting, the sweet leaf bush (Sayur Manis) is the vegie that we add to our Pan Meen Noodle. II am not certain if the same vegie is added to the Pan Meen Noodle sold in Singapore. Sometimes we cook it in soup with an egg added.
Hi JC,
Referring to the "Sayur Manis" picture, do you think it is a bit sickly...the many white spots ?
The "Wild Gensing" or the "Japanese Ginseng" this is edible right ?
Hi GP, the sayur manis was indeed sickly looking.
As for the Wild Ginseng, it is edible. I was told it can be stir-fried and it has a gluey texture. I have some growing in my garden but I don't feel like eating it. Just like the little flowers on the plant.
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